Welcome to Sveriges Rymdstudenter and our Discord!

Thank you for joining ‘Sveriges Rymdstudenter’, the national association within ‘Space Students Sweden’ for all students in Sweden interested in space,
There are many other local associations within the federation but ‘Sveriges Rymdstudenter’ is a national association that connects people throughout all of Sweden!
For now the main activities of the association will be on our Discord, and this is meant to be the main space for all members and associations alike to get to know each other, partake in online lectures and talk about anything Space!

So a warm welcome to the community of Space Students in Sweden, we’re happy to have you here!

Are you not a member yet of ‘Sveriges Rymdstudenter’? (Being a member of other associations within Space Students Sweden does not automatically make you a member of ‘Sveriges Rymdstudenter’) Sign up here!